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Strategic Formwork supply a crane handled jumpform. These jumpforms are typically used for:
  • Low rise buildings - such as carparks, hospitals and shopping centres;
  • Bespoke one off structures that involve large shutters, such as civil works;
  • Multiple repeat structures - such as the cooling towers for a mining plant;
  • Single walls.
The crane handled WallMaker jumpform system is simple to assemble and operate. As the system is crane handled, the capacity of the crane above the jumpform will dictate maximum lift, therefore, the jumpform is often broken down into weights that can be lifted with a crane. Often when the crane capacity over the jumpform is large, the whole set of formwork can be lifted in one operation. Our crane lifted WallMaker jumpform system has been used successfully on many projects and is seen to be a cheaper alternative to the self climbing CoreMaker jumpform. As the WallMaker and CoreMaker are interchangeable, in some projects the structure starts off with a WallMaker and is converted to a CoreMaker when the concrete profile becomes more consistent. The WallMaker is typically requested by clients that do not have repetitive formwork. As many of our clients are formworkers with their own repetitive systems, Strategic Formwork is typically engaged to design, detail and supply the WallMaker jumpform when then structure is more complex.
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